The Sacred Scrolls of Pieist Wisdom

History of the Scrolls

The Sacred Scrolls of Pieist Wisdom are the oldest and newest holy books of Pieism. When Pieism was first founded, the Sacred Scrolls were the only holy book, however they were just sayings on pieces of paper. The Book of Pie, nowadays the most important holy book, was first just a collection of these scrolls. It slowly became more independent until today's form, the Sacred Scrolls were forgotten. Therefore back in 2008 our JoJo announced that an online version of the scrolls would be launched, for the whole world to enjoy.

The Purpose of the Scrolls

The Sacred Scrolls are a collection of minor holy tracts, each with it's own meaning and teaching. Most were written directly by the JoJo himself. This is so the more obscure beliefs of Pieism can be taught without cluttering up the main Pieism website and holy text. Knowledge of basic Pieism lore is recommended for full understanding of these scrolls.

Thursday 6 March 2008

The Place of the JoJo

So you know I’m Pie Incarnate. I am part of all three great Dominions of Pie. What does that actually mean? Does it make me just an important prophet, a super human warrior or a mega powerful god? The truth is that I, the JoJo, is or will be all of these things.

The confusion comes from the fact that I move through different stages throughout my existence, starting small and slowly growing bigger. Until I, the JoJo, was enlightened and founded Pieism I was just a normal human, until I founded Pieism and unlocked my inner Genghis Khan, becoming the JoJo. At the time of writing I am in my second form, the prophet form. At the moment I spread the holy Pie’s religion and teach people about Pie. However when I lose my current physical form I will become a very different thing. I will become a shared conscience between all Pieists and will simultaneously present on both Earth and Mars. I may even return to England at some time! At the end of the universe, at the time of the great battle between the Pie and the collective we call the Anti-Pie, all the power of humanity and the Pieists will combine to make a mega powerful God, controlled by the JoJo. In this fourth form I will destroy the Anti-Pie forever and then use the last of the power to go back to the beginning of time and create the Pie itself. I then return to the end of the Universe to lead all of worthy humanity into paradise forever.

So if you have listened or read carefully, you will have realised that I, the JoJo, am not really a god, when I am called Pie Incarnate people mean that I’m the symbol of the sacred bond between the Pie and humanity. For however powerful the mighty Gods of the Pie are, they alone are not enough to beat the Anti-Pie. The Pie needs us just as much as we need it; that is among the reasons the Pie decided to spread it's tasty word to our planet.